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Your donation will help us achieve our mission: to create, maintain and sustain our local trail network for all users. We rely on donations of all sizes, no gift is too small. We are very appreciative of your support!
Your donation will help to:
Fund the trail crews that maintain our trail network
Organize and facilitate volunteer nights and projects (and feed them well after!)
Finance new trails and trail projects
Support WRTC operating and administrative costs, which allows us to raise more money to build more trails, pay more trail crews and fund volunteer events
You can also give via cash or check, please send your donation to PO Box 756 Hailey, ID 83333. If you would like to give via DAF, please scroll down. If you would prefer to give via wire transfer please contact our Executive Director, Sara Gress at
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You can also give via a Donor Advised Fund (DAF).
A DAF is a charitable giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to support your favorite causes.
If you have a donor advised fund, DAF Direct enables you to recommend grants to us directly from your DAF.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact our Executive Director, Sara Gress at
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We would like to recognise the support of our work by our federal partners. We could not do what we do without the generous financial and hand-in-hand collaboration of local staff and agencies:
United States Forest Service - Sawtooth National Forest - Ketchum Ranger District
Bureau of Land Management - Shoshone Field Office
We would also like to give a special βThank Youβ to the following people for their generous support of our work. We call this group the change makers, because they help to amplify the donations from our members to create lasting impact throughout our trail system. Gifts listed here were made between October 1, 2023-August 1, 2024
Anonymous (3)
CK's Real Food
Ross and Laurie Garber
Ms. Joyce Gordon and Mr. Eric Remais
David and Catherine Kennett
John and Stephanie Perenchio
Susan and Scott Robinson
Spur Community Foundation
Turner Impact Capital
American Trails
The Nalen Foundation
Anonymous (1)
Doug and Claire Beighle
Be Good Foundation
Michael Browne
The Chrysopolae Foundation
Peter and Quin Curran
Jim and Eva DeWolfe
Jim and Wendy Drasdo
Willard L. and Ruth P. Eccles Foundation
Jackie and Chris Flanigan
Fox Factories
Sara Giacobbi and Tom Iselin
Giant Steps Foundation
Jeff and Kelley Jensen
Michael Johnson
Alex Langerman
Al Pokorny and Valerie Logsdon
Joe Luter
Morgan and Jaime Masner
Matt and Kathryn McNeal
Jonathan and Rebecca Neeley
Susan Reinstein and Brian Ross
Katherine and Buffalo Rixon
Steve ShafranSturtevants
Sandor and Teri Szombathy
Erica and Jason Tripard
Tim and Robin Wolff
Read our Annual Impact Reports for more info on how we use your dollars to get stuff done: