Mill Lake Volunteer Day

We had just the right number of folks come out on Saturday to work on the SNRA's Mill Creek Trail # 136. The WRTC has adopted the trails in the Prairie Creek area, and we couldn't work on them all without the help of our volunteers.

We were able to rebuild the water bars on the trail below the creek crossing. It has been a while since these drainage features have had more than a quick clean out, and because this section of trail is so wide they all took a little more time to get dug back out. It was great to be out there watching our Trail Bosses looking at the features and knowing what needed to be done while new volunteers listened to explanations. By the end of the day everyone had an "eye" for drainages and what needed to be done. The morning flew by but we got some good work done, despite the dry soils.

After our hard, dusty work cleaning drains, we were rewarded with a delicious lunch provided by the Sawtooth Backcountry Horsemen - THANK YOU!