Pork Chop Gets a Sustainable Solution

Over the last two weeks, Pork Chop got a face lift!

The Hybrid Trail Crew got to work on this project last Thursday, and between the last two volunteer events, we had just the right amount of help to finish up the project.

The Hybrid Crew worked on gathering and build rock "check" structures to fix and prevent further trail trenching that had started on Pork Chop, Trail # 142.

Our BYOC Groups from Windermere and St. Luke's helped us crush rocks, dig dirt, move dirt and pack dirt into the part of the trail that had become a trench. On the surface it looks like we just topped the trail with some dirt but there is a lot that happens just below the surface to make this a lasting fix for this section of trail. 

This was the perfect example of our volunteer program complimenting the work of our Hybrid Trail Crew!