Partnership Weekend With Idaho Trails Association Gets Serious Work Done!

On July 26, nine intrepid volunteers gathered at the Prairie Creek campground with the intention of embarking on a weekend of back country trail work.  Hailing from across Idaho, this group of volunteers came together for our partner-weekend with Idaho Trails Association.  

After going over safety, meeting the other crew members, and getting acquainted with the tools, they hit the trail, ready to tackle whatever they came across.

And the trail sure kept them busy!  Over the three day event, they:

πŸ₯Ύ Installed 98 ft of brand- new tread

‴️ Installed 1 climbing turn

πŸ’§ Constructed 2 drainage structures 

πŸͺ¨ Re-benched or conducted tread work on  181 ft (including removing one massive rock!)

🌲 Cut out 113 Trees

βœ‚οΈ And Brushed 4608 ft of trail.

WHEW!  What an incredible weekend of some much needed work!